Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Foggy Saturday Morning February 13, 2010

My friends Bill and Louise have been visiting family in California and spent the night at my flat in San Francisco. We hadn't seen each other in some time and we got caught up on Friday night and had a great dinner at Le Central.

Yesterday was very, very foggy. I could barely see Quincy when we went for the morning walk around Lafayette Park. Since Bill and Louise only had time for a short visit to Ess Eff, we took a quick drive through Pacific Heights to see the spectacular architecture.

We made it to my beloved Ferry Building precisely on time. As you can see, the fog was still lingering. I unpacked and set the table and then I took Louise on my whirl win shopping. Bill stayed behind and enjoyed the best cup of coffee ever made from Blue Bottle. Louise was so taken with the Ferry Building and Market. She was snapping pictures like it was Fashion Week in New York City! Which is something everyone should do.

I got the usual salami, olives, Point Reyes Blue Cheese, Batch 22 from Cow Girl, great bread from Della Fattoria, torta, egg salad, mortadella, horseradish cream, and tangerines. Prince Willam's were the flowers of the day from buddy Stan. BUT! A great surprise! The first tomatoes of the season from my friends stand. They were eaten immediately with Nigel's new Eatwell dried lemon sea salt.

Bill and Louise enjoyed their visit which was too brief as they had to get back to San Diego to see his son Mike. I'm so lucky to have great friends. It was so fun to see them.

An hour later, I was reading and listening to Pandora as the fog disappeared and the Ferry Building grew with excitement and warm sun. Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder. I look up and it was Dr. David! I said what in the hell are you doing here? I thought you were in Manhattan this weekend? Well, the weather this past week cancelled their flights so they surprised me. Father Eric showed up moments later. We quickly caught up and enjoyed the eye candy of the market.

Then it was time to pack up, give away the flowers, and hail a cab back to Pacific Heights. Quincy was so glad Dad was home!

Dispatch! Wine Bar! San Francisco!

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