Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, Twenty Ten

The first picture is me and Father Eric, Eric's partner Dr. David who is next to Richard with the scarf. I had a huge spray of fresh Heather on the table. The Marin Cheddar cheese was really good yesterday with the grapes.

I had a blue cheese dip that was great with the salami and semolina bread from Della. We had smoked duck and pork rillettes from the Fatted Calf, Epi's from Acme, crayfish and tortas from the fish market, olives, egg salad, Nigel's new dried Lemon Salt and Drinkwell's new Pinot Noir Pomegranate soda. Oh and of course french breakfast radishes with Jersey butter made fresh. Allison and Phyllis came by as did a bunch of regulars. Since the Fancy Food Show is in town lots of foodies stopped by for my spectacle.

Last but not the least, Jason kept us well lubricated through out the day. Buddy Drew called from Columbus saying they are likely moving to Hawaii for cooking gigs. They better get a big place because we are all stopping by.

As you scroll through the pictures, while shopping yesterday I ran into Horace. He is a local Seagull who enjoys the market like the rest of us. There is also the picture of the Ferry Building as I'm walk towards it after getting of the bus. I always get choked up as I approach it. Good times are always had there and the friends I have met make it the best place.


  1. The heather is beautiful and you all look gorgeous. Bigs hugs to yourself, Eric and David. Nancy

  2. My Wife and I, up to San Francisco to EAT onthe 16th of Janaury! We fly in every couple of months to do so. This time we headed towards the ferry building and wanted to partake in a three layed dish of bread, cheese and Salami that we saw last time at the Wine Merchant. We have dreamt about this for the last couple of months, so we made our way to the Wine Merchant and started to laugh, because the set up is nothing one can purchase, but is the brainchild of a stylist foodie (like myself) by the name of Peter Taylor! So we purchased a makeshift arrangment of food, but pined away, because just 2 tables away was Mr.Taylors classy Picnic. What a lucky dog!
